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In Case You Missed it on Social Media

Resident Ski Outing at Mt. Wachusett


Resident Ski Outing

Everyone had a blast this weekend at the Annual RAD Resident Ski Trip at Wachusett Mountain!

Journal Club


Journal Club! Great time at Armsby Abbey discussing Emergency Radiology articles 'Resident attending discrepancy rates for two consecutive versus nonconsecutive weeks of overnight shifts' presented by Joseph Jacob MD PGY-4, and 'Multicenter survey clarifying phrases in emergency radiology reports' presented by Efaza Siddiqui MD PGY-5. Attendees learned that two consecutive versus nonconsecutive weeks of overnight shifts do not significantly impact resident-attending discrepancy rates, and also the importance of using probabilistic phrases in Radiology reports with caution as they may lead misinterpretation between radiologist and emergency room physician. The event was moderated by Emergency Radiologist Hemang Kotecha, DO.

Resident Holiday Party


Wonderful department holiday party last night, featuring secret Santa and delicious food delivered from Mare E Monti!