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Idea Board


NAME(S): Staff   Area: Interventional Radiology

What is the problem/waste? Staff felt that they wanted more opportunities to learn about Interventional Radiology

Idea: Monthly Educational Sessions - Approval from Chief MDs to have a once-a-month late start (9a first case) so that staff members (RTs, RNs, and anyone else available and interested) can come to an Education Session.
The sessions will be put on by vendors (i.e. Stryker presentation done today on stroke treatment, providing CEUs), as well as local staff giving sessions (i.e. on Venous Sampling or less-common procedures).

Date the idea was implemented: 8/2/2017

NAME(S): Kathy Green / Linda Anderson   Area: Rad Admin

What is the problem/waste? Milford/Westboro Radiology areas are not compliant with interpreter services

Idea: Tim to re educate and provide training on IPAD use

Date the idea was implemented: 12/20/2017

NAME: Cindy Tefft  Area: University - Ultrasound

What is the problem/waste?  Referring medical staff having difficulty with new / incorrect exam code list for ordering , exams being ordered wrong or delayed

Idea: Wrote up a  "cheat sheet" with trimmed but complete list of exams with matching most common diagnoses associated.  Sent this to out-patient services until final more accurate edits are completed.  Seems to be helping!

Date the idea was implemented 12/1/2017

NAME(S): Dana Lagrotteria  Area: University - Ultrasound

What is the problem/waste? Needed quick aids for epic / Agfa look up

Idea: Put together some of the quick Job Aids  off of share point for both Agfa and Epic  in binders at the front desk and ultrasound and in the ER ultrasound area. Quick reference guides.

Date the idea was implemented: 12/2/2017

NAME(S): Beth Gorman  Area: University - Ultrasound

What is the problem/waste? unnecessary paperwork in scanning rooms logbooks no longer needed causing clutter

Idea: Took out a lot of no longer needed paperwork due to epic for lab slips, consent forms, timeouts, procedure related things.  Condensed them to a location centrally if needed. Organized rooms that are  neater for the current needs.

Date the idea was implemented: 12/4/2017

NAME(S): Dana Lagrotteria   AREA: University - Ultrasound

What is the problem/waste?  Incomplete list of phone numbers incomplete

Idea: gathered a list of phone numbers separated by most commonly used, those related to radiology, floor numbers etc. made sure it was current and all inclusive. Had  copies made for all the rooms, laminated and placed at the front desk area in ultrasound  as well as in the ultrasound ER area

Date the idea was implemented: 12/7/2017

NAME(S): Kevin Reynolds  AREA: University - CT

What is the problem/waste?   Emprivada swipers are not working in the ED CT area

Idea: Place a ticket to have these working so techs can badge in and badge out when they are using the computers

Date the idea was implemented: 12/11/2017