Entrepreneurship, Biomedical Innovation, and Design Pathway
Nathaniel Hafer, PhD | nathaniel.hafer@umassmed.edu
Education Program Specialist
Adam Marowski | adam.marowski@umassmed.edu
Class of 2027 Student Representative
Dailianys Barrios | dailianys.barriosvaldes@umassmed.edu
Thomas Samenuk | thomas.samenuk@umassmed.edu
Pathway Description
This Pathway gives students a hands-on customer discovery learning experience and will teach students how to successfully transfer knowledge into products and processes that benefit society. Students will engage with experts inside and outside of UMass Chan. They will interview and hear the perspectives of customers, partners, and competitors, learning how to deal with the chaos and uncertainty of commercializing innovations and creating ventures. These interviews lead to real-world insights, assessing key components of the business model, and often leading to pivots or refinements.
- Experience interactive class sessions consisting of student presentations and feedback
- Receive opportunities to collaborate with UMass Chan faculty on unique and exciting medical devices, technologies, and therapies
- Develop an understanding of the commercialization process, which can be applied to future ventures and ideas
- Strengthen written and oral communication skills through presentations and customer interviews
- Gain exposure and access to expert guest speakers in the biomedical innovation space
Sample Topics Covered
- Elements of the Business Model Canvas, including customer segments and value proposition
- I-Corps Customer Discovery interview process: planning (question writing), scheduling, conducting, and data analysis
- Biodesign implementation: intellectual property (IP) resources
January 2024 | cjb