Educational Conferences
Geriatric Medicine Conference Series
Fellows and faculty participate in this twice-monthly conference series which covers various geriatric topics and research updates from geriatricians and invited guests.
Core Curriculum
We have a core curriculum of faculty-led lectures that are delivered throughout the year, including multiple lectures that are covered during our Bootcamp rotation.
Journal Club
Our fellows present on recent geriatrics articles.
Fellows’ Most Difficult Case Conference Series
Our fellows participate along with fellows from different geriatric fellowship programs throughout the US to discuss challenging cases.
Grand Rounds
Fellows are encouraged to attend grand round presentations.
Geriatric Teaching Day
The Division of Geriatric Medicine sponsors the UMass Chan Geriatric Teaching Day. The Geriatric Teaching Day typically includes a dinner for students and faculty with a focus on exploration of the career path of a geriatrician and a Medicine Grand Rounds presentation led by the visiting professor.
External Conferences
We encourage our fellows to attend the American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting.