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Core Clinical Experiences Year 3 | through AY2023-2024

Advancement from Foundations of Medicine year 2 to Core Clinical Experiences (CCE) represents a critical transition in the educational program as students enter the hospital wards, ambulatory clinics and physician offices and serve as participating members of health care teams providing direct care to patients and their families. Under faculty guidance and supervision, core clinical students actively apply the principles of clinical medicine to patient care, acquire essential technical skills, and further develop personal and professional values to enable them to serve as caring, competent and compassionate physicians.

The Core Clinical Experiences span 48 weeks of curriculum organized into three 16-week coordinated thematic sections. These sections are Care of Adults (Medicine and Neurology), Care of Families (Family Medicine and Community Health, Pediatrics and Psychiatry) and Perioperative and Maternal Care (Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynecology). This model allows for both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary training, modeling the future of patient care. Basic science section leaders will work with clerkship directors to integrate specific basic science skills and content into the clinical experiences. A longitudinal, developmentally appropriate, integrated interstitial curriculum binds together the pieces of this model throughout the CCE with curriculum threads and continued presence of learning communities mentors as teachers. In addition to clinical rotations, students are required to select and complete 4 week-long Flexible Clinical Experiences, which they may design to meet their individualized needs over the span of the CCE year. 

note: LInC CCE curriculum will be in place through AY2023-2024, at which time it will be replaced with the Vista Core Curriculum.

For detailed descriptions of the CCE courses, click here.

Care of Adults THEMA-COA

Care of Families

Perioperative and Maternal Care THEMA-PMC

Flexible Clinical Experience Course (FCE) | FCE Course website

Interstitial Curriculum (ISC) XX-3001. XX-3011, XX-3021

Capstone Scholarship & Discovery (CSD) | Capstone Course website

 Updated JULY 8 2022 | cjb