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Resident Biography


 Jiddu Guart, MD

  Postgraduate Year 3

 Medical School

  Ross University, Miramar, Florida


Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Medical School: Ross University, Miramar, Florida

Future plans: Right now I'm interested in Trauma/Critical Care but my mind remains open to other possibilities as I've yet to be exposed to all surgery has to offer!

Why UMASS?: The culture, quality of education, operative volume, proximity to my hometown.

Favorite thing to do in Worcester: I'm new to Worcester but as of right now I've been enjoying trying new places to eat with my significant other. 
Recent abstracts, posters, or publications:

Guart JA
, Byers VV, Sasson DC, Bassiri-Tehrani B, Ranzer M, Purnell C. Postoperative Quality of Life in Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa Utilizing the Hidradenitis Suppurativa Burden of Disease Tool. Cureus. 2021 Feb 6;13(2):e13172. 

Bassiri-Tehrani B, Nguyen A, Guart J, Di Chiaro B, Choudhary A, Purnell CA.  The effect of wearing a mask on facial attractiveness. Ilinois Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting. May 17, 2022.

Bassiri-Tehrani B, Nguyen A, Guart J, Di Chiaro B, Choudhary A, Purnell CA.  The effect of wearing a mask on facial attractiveness. The Aesthetic Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 20-24, 2022.