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Using Video-Rate Multi-Photon Microscopy for Biological Imaging

Informational Seminar by Dr. Daniel Côté of the University of Laval and Bliq Photonics. 

November 21, 2019, noon - 1 pm, LRB 7th floor conference room. Lunch will be served. 
Monocyte infiltration in spinal cord

Monocyte infiltration in spinal cord, image courtesy of Dr. Daniel Côté.  

Speaker bio: 
After graduating in physics from Université Laval and obtaining his doctoral degree in physics at the University of Toronto, Daniel Côté completed two postdoctoral internships at the Ontario Cancer Institute and at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine of Harvard Medical School. Full Professor at Université Laval, Daniel Côté is part of the Centre d’Optique Photonique et Laser (COPL) and also part of the Research Center of the University Institute in Mental Health of Quebec (CRIUSMQ) which hosts the Neurophotonics Center.
He is also the chief technology officer for the Canadian Neurophotonics platform, in addition to being the director of Translational Photo-Medicine at the CRIUSMQ.