Healthy Eating Recipes
- Chicken Burrito Bowl with Avocado, Beans, Corn, and Sautéed Vegetables
- Fried Egg Avocado Toast & Apple
- Mixed Berry Mango Smoothie
- Mixed Greens Salad with Carrots, Tomato, Baked Chicken & Garlic Toast
- Peanut Butter Apple Sandwich with Carrot Sticks
- Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken with Brown Rice and Steamed Broccoli
- Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi with Cherry Tomatoes, Feta Cheese, and Spinach
- Trader Joe’s Palak Paneer with Brown Rice
- Vegetable Omelet with Feta Cheese
Healthy Eating Recipes
- Chicken Burrito Bowl with Avocado, Beans, Corn, and Sautéed Vegetables
- Fried Egg Avocado Toast & Apple
- Mixed Berry Mango Smoothie
- Mixed Greens Salad with Carrots, Tomato, Baked Chicken & Garlic Toast
- Peanut Butter Apple Sandwich with Carrot Sticks
- Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken with Brown Rice and Steamed Broccoli
- Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi with Cherry Tomatoes, Feta Cheese, and Spinach
- Trader Joe’s Palak Paneer with Brown Rice
- Vegetable Omelet with Feta Cheese
Trader Joe’s Palak Paneer with Brown Rice
Yield: 2 servings
- 1 box of Trader Joe’s Palak paneer
- 1 cup of cooked brown rice
- Prepare Palak paneer in microwave according to package instructions
- Reheat cooked brown rice
- Split brown rice and Palak paneer into two servings—plate one and pack one into a reusable Tupperware container
Please see packaging for nutrition labels