Christopher Hemond, MD,
Christopher Hemond, MD
Associate Research Director
Neuroimmunology, and MS Center
Principal Investigator of Hemond Lab
Academic Appointment:
Christopher Hemond, MD, joined the UMass Chan Medical School faculty team in July, 2018. Hemond, MD, has received several NMMS pilot research awards as both PI (2019) and co-PI (2020). He is a recipient of a K23 NIH award as well.
Hemond, MD, completed his medical school and residency at Stanford University Medical School in Palo Alto, CA, in 2012, which included an internship year at the University of Hawaii. Hemond went on to complete a clinical research fellowship at the Partners MS Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston specializing in MRI analysis, prior to joining UMass Chan.
HemondLab Research:
- Development and translation of MRI-based biomarkers of MS
- Qualitative MRI analysis of the brain and spinal cord using state of the art high resolution anatomic sequences
- MS disease severity and progression, such as, “iron rim lesion”
- New MS therapies
- Qualitative Susceptibility Mapping, diffusing imaging, MR spectroscopy and fMRI.
- Assessing the effects of mindfulness based stress reduction on structural brain remodeling and potentially reducing neuroinflammation and cortisol levels in MS.
- The exploration of immunological and metabolic factors which determine pathological rates of brain atrophy and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis.
- Development of biomarkers related to brain atrophy and neurodegeration in MS.
Hemond, MD, Clinical Experience:
- Board-certified neurologist
- Clinical subspecialty training in neuroimmunology and MS
- Running the mindfulness outreah component of the MS Clinic to bridge treatment and research by connecting individuals who benefit from education.experiental initiatives with grant funding clinical trials.
- Studying how the brain influences the inflammatory state of the immune system
Hemond, MD, Educational Experience:
- Maintaining active grant funding from the NIH, the Worcester Foundation, the National MS Society, the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, and the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.
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