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Hira Goel, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor (Mercurio Lab)
Ph.D.: 2002, NIPER, Mohali
Postdoctoral research: UMass Chan Medical School
Office: UMass Chan Medical School
364 Plantation Street, LRB 470Y
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-856-3510


Cancer therapies often fail because of the presence of a group of highly resistant and pluripotent cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). My research focus is to characterize the mechanisms that contribute to the pluripotency of CSCs and to design new therapeutic strategies based on these mechanisms.  My current work involves the VEGF co-receptor neuropilin-2 (NRP2) that is essential for CSC function.  My studies have shown that NRP2 could be an effective therapeutic target for breast and prostate cancer because its inhibition sensitizes these cancers to chemo- and radiation therapy.  This hypothesis is currently being tested in pre-clinical models in conjunction with studies aimed at investigating the mechanisms that contribute to this therapeutic strategy.

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