Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Description: The UMass Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a workplace-based program that provides free and confidential help with personal, family, and work-related problems to employees and household members. This video provides employees with a summary of its services. Valerie Wedge (EAP Counselor) describes her responsibilities and a day in the life of being an EAP Counselor. The EAP responds to your needs by providing information, professional assessment, brief counseling, and referral for concerns such as:
- job-related stress
- marital conflicts
- separation and divorce
- financial difficulties
- family and parenting issues
- elder care needs
- child care
- depression
- anxiety
- grief
- emotional trauma
- domestic violence
- legal concerns
- drug and alcohol misuse
Audience: All Employees
Prerequisite: None
Timeline: Ongoing
Contact Information: To access the Video, click here.