Welcome to the Gibson Lab in the Division of Infectious Disease and Immunology
The Gibson Lab studies immunopathogenesis of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and other herpesvirus infection in populations at risk for severe disease.
- Human T cell responses to cytomegalovirus (CMV) in children and transplant recipients
- General and transplant-related infections
- Natural history studies
- Character of the burden of CMV, RSV, and SARSCoV-2 infections
- Patterns of viral burden and transmission
Recent Research Focus:
- CMV prevalence, transmission patterns and rate
- Explore immunological response
- Ultradeep CMV whole genome sequencing and population genetics approaches applied to longitudinal saliva, urine, and/or blood samples.
- CMV-specific CD8 T cell effector functions that correlate with more rapid clearance of viral excretion in the saliva and urine of young children in large group settings who develop primary CMV infection.
- CMV-specific CD4 T cell effector functions that correlate with more rapid clearance of viral excretion in children.
- CD8 T cell selection pressure and viral escape mutations in CMV populations in saliva, urine, and blood.
- T Cell responses to CMV in children
- Examine potential T cell positive selection and viral immune response.
- Bioinformatics T Cell analyses
- Flow cytometry data analyses