Population Health Frameworks
Each fall, second year medical and graduate nursing students spend two weeks in community health settings,
- learning more about the prevalence of specific conditions within a certain population,
- exploring the inter-professional networks of care surrounding different population groups, and
- investigating the advocacy resources available at local, regional and national levels.
We share that information with you below in the form of Population Health Framework documents. These worksheets are completed by teams every October. If there's something you think would make these info sheets more useful, please send feedback to Heather-Lyn Haley.
Team Title:
Asthma in Southern Worcester County: Impact and interventions
Awareness of testicular cancer in young men (Carlisle)
Caring for adults with intellectual disabilities
Correctional health
Cost containment: The next frontier in health care reform
Dominican Republic
Elder abuse prevention on Martha's Vineyard
End of life care
Even one is too many: Reducing disparities in infant mortality among Ghanaian women
Fall and injury prevention and recovery amongst the elderly and frail on rural Cape Cod
Geriatrics: Fall prevention for older adults
Health care for the homeless
Hector Reyes House: Serving the needs of Latino men
How do I feed my family tonight? Food, health and access within our community
Incarcerated and urban working poor
Injury prevention: Programs to prevent injury from trauma in all age groups
Integrative medicine in cancer care
Latinos living with HIV in Lawrence
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities
Living with disabilities
Medical-legal partnership for refugee health
Parenting & family stability
Patients with HIV/AIDS in Southeastern MA
People with serious mental illness: Recovery-oriented peer supported services
Teen sexual health education
Veterans' health
Worcester Department of Public Health
Worcester Head Start Program
Worcester’s faces and places: Family Health Center Worcester
YWCA Central MA community worker challenges