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Life in the Thyme Lab

Lab Values Statement

As the leader of a research group, maintaining a healthy environment for all lab members is a top priority for me. Staying in a scientific career can be extremely stressful and is much more so for those with additional challenges. In my lab, I will promote a culture of reasonable work-life balance to ensure that lab members with diverse external pressures can flourish scientifically. For example, I will not regularly schedule meetings after 4 pm to minimize scheduling conflicts for lab members with children in daycare. A second aspect of a healthy lab is ensuring that all members realize that their contributions are highly valued and feel comfortable engaging in scientific exchange, regardless of their background and experience. I regularly encourage my undergraduate students, research technicians, and visiting high school students to present their work to the larger lab group and to participate in external symposia where they present posters or give short lectures. I will particularly direct opportunities for collaboration and conference attendance to lab members from underrepresented groups who may be less aware of how to advocate for their careers. As a professor, one of my roles is to be proactive in increasing awareness of all available resources, as some students may not know to inquire about them, as well as advocating for resources if they do not exist. Establishing a culture of support, awareness, and positive communication in my own lab is an essential step toward those values becoming predominant in the scientific community.

More information about the culture of the BMB Department can be found here

Check out a record of lab happenings here!

Lab Pictures