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CARE Committee

The CARE (Collaborative Advocacy for Resilience and Empathy) Committee is a medical student committee affiliated with the UMass Chan Committee of Student Well-Being. We strive to promote diverse wellness efforts in small, meaningful doses to medical students at the T.H. Chan School of Medicine.

  Follow us on instagram @UMassChanCARE for daily wellness tips and other updates!

CARE Initiatives

The mission of the CARE Committee is to promote holistic approaches to improving wellness, advocate for student well-being, and foster mutually supportive communities. Here are a few examples of what we have done and will continue to do for our student communities.

CARE Affiliates

We are partnered with many student organizations and curricular programs on campus who share our vision of wellness promotion. If your student group is interested in collaborating with us, please contact us at CARECommittee@umassmed.edu

Physical Wellness
Culinary Medicine OEE
Medicine in Motion

Emotional Wellness
Arts for Physicians OEE
Creative Writing OEE
Healer's Art OEE
Narratives in Medicine OEE

Community Wellness
Medical Humanities Lab
UMass Chan Community Garden
Med Moth Storytelling
Thursday Morning Memo
The Interstitium Blog | Reflections Along the Path of Medicine
UMass Chan Wellness Week (Formerly known as UMass Chan Takes CARE)

Curricular Programs
Doctoring & Clinical Skills (DCS) - MS1, MS2
Flexible Clinical Experiences (FCE) - MS3
Interstital/Wellness Days - MS3
Preparing Resilient Empathic Physicians - MS4

Updated September 2022


We are currently recruiting new members. Please feel free to reach out to any of our members below for more information.

David S. Hatem, MD

Stephanie Choi
Emily Caggiano

Marie McGourty

Amy Cheung