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International Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Indian Health Service
Course Number: FC-406
Elective Type: B1 

UMass Faculty Member (Sponsor)
and External Direct Site Supervisor

Department: Individual UMass Department Based Sponsored
Sites Available:

Various Indian Reservations

White River IHS Hospital: Contact Dianna Mahoney

University Campus - Sponsor must be a UMass Faculty member

Months Offered: E1, M1-M10 (No E2)
Number of Students / Month: Varies 
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year clerkships 
* Offered to UMass Students Only
Elective Description: To expose the student to practice with the I.H.S.  These rotations solidify clinical skills and present a model of care much different from "high-tech" tertiary care.

Various sites in the Southwest, Northwest, and Alaska to choose from.  Students typically have a greater degree of independence in providing patient care, doing minor procedures, etc.  These are multidisciplinary experience in primary care, usually associated with a community hospital based in-patient experience.  Housing usually provided also and in rare instances, transportation.
Note:  * Offered to UMass Students Only
Location: Various Indian Reservations