Research on Wellness focuses on approaches to promoting health and wellness in people affected by behavioral health disorders. We are conducting research on smoking cessation, health promotion and healthy living, and stress management. We are closely aligned with the Department of Psychiatry’s Wellness Initiative which includes research, teaching, and clinical intervention initiatives that integrate wellness and preventive care activities across the Department and all related clinical sites. We are interested in:
Mind and Health: Developing a Neural Marker for Mindfulness, a Pathway to Health
Title: Mind and Health: Developing a Neural Marker for Mindfulness, a Pathway to Health
Dates: 5/1/2013 - 5/31/2016
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Funding: $740,250
PI: Carl Fulwiler, M.D., Ph.D.
CMHSR Key Personnel: Douglas Ziedonis, M.D., M.P.H. (Co-PI)
Description: The proposed study directly addresses NCCAM''s priority for preliminary clinical studies for large interventional trials of CAM by validating an objective and quantitative measure of mindfulness and wellbeing.
Personnel: Allison, J., Douglas Ziedonis, M.D., M.P.H.(Co-PI), Jean King, Ph.D.(Co-I), Nanyin Zhang(Co-I), Saki Santorell
Digital Tobacco Intervention Targeting Smokers with Serious Mental Illness (SMI): Smoker2Smoker (S2S)
PI: Maryann Davis, PhD & Rajani Sadasivam PhD
Funding: UMass Chan - Pilot Project Program grant (PPP)
Time Frame: 2020-2021
Description: Mixed methods research to identify appropriate adaptations for an effective smoking reduction digital intervention, for use with young and mature adults with serious mental illness, and a pilot study to obtain preliminary results with its implementation.