To help give children a better understanding of the coronavirus that is causing disruption in our daily lives, the RNA Therapeutics Institute (RTI) at UMass Chan Medical School created this resource. We hope parents and teachers can use it to help explain this complex situation, while also teaching the wonders of science.
Coronavirus infographic explaining coronaviruses, how COVID-19 can spread, and how to protect yourself, for kids!
In 2019, a new and dangerous villain emerged in the world, Spike Man. In ScienceLIVE’s first coloring comic book, you’ll learn about how Spike Man hijacks the body’s factories and how Emma RNA and her legion of molecular superheroes save the day! Download in English, Español, Chinese, Deutsch, Français, Português, and Türk; more languages to come. You can request coloring books for your classroom, library, pediatrician's office here.
Coronavirus infographic explaining the science of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines!
List of links and resources to help children understand and cope with COVID-19.