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Research Strategies


Reactivation of the X-Linked CDKL5 Gene as a Potential Treatment for CDKL5 Deficiency

Females with CDKL5 Deficiency still retain a normal, functional copy of the CDKL5 gene that is, in some cells, turned off. One potential strategy for treating CDKL5 Deficiency is to switch back on the normal copy of the CDKL5 gene. Dr. Green’s lab is using functional genomics and proteomics-based approaches to identify new and effective therapeutic targets and treatments that function by turning on CDKL5, and evaluate their suitability as targets for the development of a new class of drugs to treat the disease.



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CDKL5 Disorder Investigator

Michael Green

Michael Green, MD, PhD

Chair and professor of molecular, cell & cancer biology, Lambi and Sarah Adams Chair of Genetic Research, Co-director of the Li Weibo Rare Diseases Research Institute, Vice Provost for Strategic Research Initiatives

Green Lab

Clinical Trials

At the Li Weibo Institute for Rare Diseases Research, our researchers and clinicians are dedicated to finding new treatment options for patients. Our clinical trials program is another way we continue to advance treatments and make new discoveries. If you or someone you know may be interested in a clinical trial, please subscribe for updates and you will be notified when we open up a new trial.