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Medical Student Activities Fair

Date Posted: lunes, agosto 28, 2017

On August 11 the T.H. Chan School of Medicine hosted an Activities Fair and Poster Session. The posters were presentations of summer projects. Several Radiology Faculty worked with students on projects this summer that were featured in the poster session.

The Medical Students UMass Radiology Interest Group was also on hand to attract new students for the group and had ultrasound equipment for demonstrations.

Lela Giannaris, PhD with Medical Students

Development of Anatomy Self-Directed Learning Resources.
Ato Howard, Soomin Kim, Eustathia Lela Giannaris, PhD

3D Printing Summer project

Using 3D Printing to Supplement Cadaveric Dissection in Modeling the Female Perineum. Hillary Mullan, Yasmin Carter, PhD

T.H. Chan School of Medicine Summer Project Poster

Anatomage: Simulation Technology in a Developmental
Anatomy Curriculum. Nicholas Cormier, Samantha Tse,
Anne M. Gilroy

T.H. Chan School of Medicine Summer Project Poster

Developing a Flexible Clinical Experience for Transgender Healthcare. Michael Zhang and Yasmin Carter, PhD


UMass Chan Radiology Interest Group (RIG)

UMass Chan Med Students Radiology Interest Group - Activities Fair

UMass Chan Med Students Radiology Interest Group - Activities Fair

The UMass Chan Radiology Interest Group, with Carolynn DeBenedectis, MD, ready to attract new medical students.