ER Community, Learning Center Refky Nicola, MS, DO Adib Karam, MD, Puneet Bhargava, MD, Mariam Moshiri, M, Mariano Scaglione, MD, Douglas S. Katz, MD, FACR, Michael Patlas, MD
ER154-ED-X: Stop Blaming the Gallbladder! Imaging of the Unlikely Suspects of Right Upper Quadrant Pain
Education Exhibit Eduardo Scortegagna JR, MD Anna Luisa Kuhn, MD, PhD, Larry Z. Zheng, MD, Young Hwan Kim, MD
UR112-ED-SUB6: Penile Ultrasound and Spectral Doppler Ultrasound: Pictorial Review of the Most Common Pathologies Affecting the Penis
Scientific Paper Max P. Rosen, MD, MPH Zachary R. Zaniewski, BA, Gregory DiGirolamo, PhD
SSA12-05: Defining Expertise: A Comparison Eye-Tracking Study of Radiologists and 1st Year Medical Students
Quality Storyboard Steven J. Baccei, MD Cole DiRoberto, BA, Crystal Lehto, MBA
QS122-ED-TUB3: Establishing System Wide Radiology Quality Metrics for Standardized Recording and Presentation across a Multi-Hospital Health Care Institution
Scientific Poster Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, MD Max P. Rosen, MD, MPH
HP230-SD-WEA5: Teaching Radiologists Who Perform Image Guided Interventions Effective Communication Skills through Simulation
Scientific Paper Gregory DiGirolamo, PhD Zachary R. Zaniewski, BA, Max P. Rosen, MD, MPH
SSQ10-05: Radiological Arousal? Physiological Indices of Unconscious Detection of "Missed" Lung Lesions
Education Exhibits Arash Bedayat, MD
CH224-ED-X: Tracheal tumors: Radiologic-pathologic Correlation of Tracheal Tumors and Tumor Mimics Pallavi K. Galera, H. Henry Guo, MD
ER133-ED-X: The Many Faces of Ectopic Pregnancy Byron Y. Chen, MD, Carolyn S. Dupuis, MD, William Parkhurst, MD, Michael J. Caruso, DO, BS, Hao S. Lo, MD
Education Exhibit Candace Shanks, MD Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, MD, Jade Watkins, MD
BR003-EB-X: Fat Containing Lesions of the Breast
Education Exhibit Daniel Burritt, MD Hesham H. Malik, MD
VI195-ED-X: Percutaneous Translumbar Endoleak Repair: Techniques, Tips, and Pitfalls
Education Exhibits Eileen Delaney, MD
BR174-ED-X: Inflammation/Infection Detection: A Multimodality Review of Infectious and Inflammatory Breast Disease Jade Watkins, MD, Monique M. Tyminski, DO, Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, MD
IN123-ED-X: Introduction to Informatics and Exposure to Imaging Informatics in Diagnostic Radiology Training Programs Monique M. Tyminski, DO, J. Paul Nielsen, MD
Education Exhibit Elizabeth D. Yuan, BS, Medical Student, 4th year Jade Watkins, MD, Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, MD
BR169-ED-X: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: The Varied Appearance of the Post-procedural Breast