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Resident Communications Skills Training - iCels

Carolynn DeBenedectis, MD Director Radiology Resdiency Program
The interprofessional Center for Experiential Learning and Simulation (iCELS)
Carolynn Debenedectis, MD
Good communications skills are essential for the practice of radiology. Whether it is communicating a  critical result to a referring clinician, or giving breast imaging results to patients, radiologists communicate with patients and clinicians every day. Residents also need to learn effective communications skills in order to be successful radiologists. Here at UMass Memorial Medical  Center, working in conjunction with iCELS (interprofessional center for experimental learning and simulation) at the UMass Chan Medical School, we have created a curriculum to teach radiology residents effective communication skills through simulation. The residents review a training module about effective communication and then take part in a simulation of 6 different common radiology communication scenarios at iCELS using acting patients. The residents are able to simulate the scenarios, and their performance is evaluated and constructively critiqued to improve their communications skills. The goal is to have UMass residents leave the residency program with excellent image interpretation and procedural skills, as well as excellent communications skills to make them superior radiologists.

Newsletter article – Communication Training for Faculty Radiologists.