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Research Meetings

Click here to view the PQHS Research Meeting Site for schedules, slides, references and a blog.

Click here to access the previously presented slides and recordings. At this time, only internal staff have access to these slides.

Organizers: Drs. Arlene Ash, Bruce Barton, Ben Gerber, and Adrian Zai.

What are our goals? Broadly, to help local researchers learn how to conduct research better.

When do we meet? 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:00 am EST via Zoom (September 2024 to June 2025)

What do we discuss in the meetings? 

Presentations focus on research methods, and may involve one or more of the following:

  • A newly funded or ongoing project, to identify collaborators or discuss related work
  • A novel or underused research method to encourage others to adopt
  • An idea or issues that we are grappling with (like how to measure, define and “pay for” reducing inequities)
  • An interesting research publication with a deep dive into the methodology
  • A research problem to resolve while developing a grant proposal or responding to reviewer comments

These meetings allow for active discussion with junior and senior faculty, graduate students, and other trainees in attendance. 

Who is our audience? Attendance is open to anyone interested. Please contact to be added to the circulation list for weekly announcements that will contain the zoom link.