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Liraz Galia, PhD

Talk title: The LncRNA HOXA11os Regulates Mitochondrial Function in Myeloid Cells to Maintain Intestinal Homeostasis

Winner of the RISE: The Robert W. Finberg, MD Memorial Research Training Award - Postdoctoral Award 

About Dr. Galia:

Liraz Galia, PhD, joined the Fitzgerald lab at UMass Chan Medical School in September 2017 after completing her PhD in Life Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. She is the recipient of an EMBO Long Term Fellowship Award, and Career Development and Research Awards from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. Her research interests include innate immunity, mucosal immunology, immunometabolism, post-translational regulation, long noncoding RNAs, inflammatory diseases, and infectious diseases.