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Vegetable Pancakes

Makes 6 pancakes

Easy, tasty and creative way to eat vegetables. The recipe doubles easily, you’ll be glad you made extra.


  • 1/2 cup oat or chickpea flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 cup oat, hemp or soy milk
  • 1 cup grated carrots
  • 1 cup grated zucchini or summer squash
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • 2 teaspoons canola oil


  1. In a mixing bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper. In a smaller bowl, beat together the egg, milk, carrots, zucchini, and onions. Add to the dry ingredients and mix well.
  2. Heat a large pan (I use cast iron) over medium heat add oil to coat. Scoop the batter in to the pan using a ¼ cup measuring cup. Make a few pancakes at a time. Cook 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  3. Serve at once or enjoy cold for breakfast or lunch the next day. Heats well in the microwave.