Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Workshops
April 16, 2015
The Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) program is intended to provide
medical educators with the knowledge necessary to understand the purposes and
processes of medical education research so that they become informed consumers
of the medical education research literature, and effective collaborators in medical
education research. The program is open to all who are interested in improving
their educational research skills, and is targeted to those with a background in
medical education but relatively less experience in conducting and collaborating in
educational research.
You may register for these MERC workshops without enrolling in the MERC
certificate program; however, there is a workshop fee separate from the conference
registration fee. To register for the MERC workshop sessions, go to:
Workshops offered at the 2015 NEGEA Annual Retreat:
Program Evaluation and Evaluation Research
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Facilitator to be determined
Scholary Writing: Publishing Medical Education Research
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Facilitator to be determined