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Spotlight on Gene Therapy: finding a Cure

2017 Celtic Connection

lunes, marzo 06, 2017
By:  Florie Borel

Our lab attended the 2017 Celtic Connection fundraiser to benefit the Alpha-1 Foundation. The proceeds from this event go to the Foundation and are used to fund Alpha-1 research worldwide. 

2017 Celtic Connection

Our Sponsor Table at the 2017 Celtic Connection

Our lab attends this event every year to support the Alpha-1 Foundation and acknowledge its generous funding. Our lab has been awarded several grants from the Alpha-1 Foundation in the past and currently the Foundation is funding several research projects including the generation of an Alpha-1 knockout mouse and of an Alpha-1 knockout ferret (these animal models are the equivalent of null patients, who don't have any Alpha-1).

shillelagh awardees

Past Shillelagh Awardees (including Dr Mueller, 3rd from left) recognizing the role of John Walsh and the Alpha-1 Foundation in supporting Alpha-1 research

This year we also had the opportunity to meet Len Geiger, an Alpha-1 whose incredible diagnosis was featured on Mystery Diagnosis. We'd like to invite you to watch the 2-part, 15-minute episode dedicated to his inspiring story below.

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