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Transplant Diabetes Care

The UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence is one of the few academic medical centers in the nation with an Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism group that functions as a vital component of the transplant team. 

People who have received liver or kidney transplants may develop hypoglycemia, insulin resistance from steroids, or even new-onset type 2 diabetes from post-transplant anti-rejection medication. At UMass Memorial hospitals they have access to our entire Diabetes Center of Excellence care team.


Julie R. Chan, MD helps pre- and post-transplant patients to improve blood glucose control and optimize outcomes, whether they already had diabetes, or developed diabetes post-transplant. People living with diabetes are at higher risk of kidney disease, in the worst cases requiring a transplant. 

Services Include: 

  • Pre-transplant health assessment & education with regard to diabetes, thyroid, bone and cardiovascular health
  • Post-transplant health management, including:
    • Care for people with pre-existing diabetes
    • Management of new onset diabetes 
    • Cardiovascular health status, including lipids
    • Thyroid illness and other endocrine related health conditions
    • Bone health to prevent osteoporosis and related fractures

Learn more about the UMass Memorial Health Transplant Program