Name: Maria L. Zapp, Ph.D.
Position: Director, Molecular Biology Core Labs
Phone: 508-856-4787
Name: Ellen L. W. Kittler, Ph.D.
Position: Co-Director, Molecular Biology Core Labs
CFAR Core Services Coordinator
Phone: 508-856-3265
Name: Zhong Yu, Ph.D.
Position: Co-Director, Molecular Biology Core Labs
The MBCL operations and instrumentation are located in the Reed-Rose-Gordon building on the Maple Ave (Worcester Foundation) Campus in Shrewsbury. Samples for DNA sequencing or DNA fragment analysis may be dropped off for pickup by the MBCL personnel at four different locations: The refrigerator next to the MBCL bulletin board at the north end of the Biotech II 2nd floor hallway; the refrigerator inside the Albert Sherman Center mailroom AS8-2058; the refrigerator in the LRB 6th floor mailroom; or the freezer in the ground floor entry hallway of the Rose-Gordon building (please email us a notification if you intend to leave samples here). Users may pick up their oligonucleotides and/or special-order molecular biology reagents from a designated refrigerator or shelf space across the hall from Suite 207, or have them delivered to an on-campus location.