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Building capacity for promoting the awareness and use of employment research findings - The KT Training Academy


The KT Training Academy will offer a variety of classes to increase the capacity of NIDILLR grantees and their collaborators for disseminating and implementing employment research findings. The courses are designed at two levels of capacity building – exposure and experience. Exposure-level courses are short (1-2 hours in total) and focused on knowledge gain. Experience-level courses are longer (3-10 hours in total) and will use didactic and experiential techniques to create a deeper understanding of KT knowledge and skills, as well as relevant attitudes about KT utilization. The courses will be divided into two tracks – Knowledge Dissemination and Knowledge Implementation. The Knowledge Dissemination Track will focus on KT methods to increase the awareness and understanding of different target audiences about relevant employment research findings and the Knowledge Implementation Track will focus on KT methods for increasing the embedding of new knowledge.

Marianne Farkas, Melody Riefer, Gretchen Grappone, Karen Jacobs, Joseph Marrone, Melanie Barwick, Laura Damschroder, Ian Graham, Dean Fixsen, Marsha Ellison

Project Goal:

To increase the knowledge and positive attitudes of employment focused NIDILRR grantees & their stakeholders, for engaging in knowledge translation activities.


  • Providing cost-effective & useful direct learning opportunities online is critical in the current fiscal/ health landscape.
  • Potential trainees comprised of those whose job functions include KT, but also stakeholders, including researchers, whose attitudes need to support the KT process for it to be effective.

Objectives & Activities:

  • Develop Knowledge Dissemination track.
  • Develop Knowledge Implementation track.
  • Conduct Academy.
  • Evaluate & Disseminate.