T-Training Program Q&A
Q. Are people who are currently post-doctoral fellows eligible to apply to the TL1-Training Program?
A. Yes. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements described in the TL1-Training Program RFA, you are eligible.
There are two training grant opportunities:
- The TL1-Training Program (pre-doctoral and early post-doctoral fellows (< 3 years - this announcement).
- The KL2-Clinical Research Scholars Training Program (for advanced post-doctoral fellows (3+ years) and junior faculty.
Q. Are international trainees eligible?
A. Students who are United States citizens or who hold a United States Permanent Resident "green card" are eligible to apply per the National Institutes of Health policy (https://researchtraining.nih.gov/resources/faq#eligibility).
Q. Can students be based at any UMass campus?
A. All pre- and post-doctoral fellows must be based at the UMass Chan Campus which consists of the T.H. Chan School of Medicine, the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and the Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing. The TL1-Training Program has a core curriculum which is offered at the Worcester campus. The primary mentor must be a UMass Chan faculty affiliated with the TL1-Training Program. The TL1-Training Program may include cross-UMass collaboration through co-mentorship, externships, and short-term research rotations.
Q. Are MD/PhD students eligible to apply?
A. Yes.
For any questions/concerns not addressed above, please contact Nathaniel.Hafer@umassmed.edu