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Open Positions

Postdoctoral positions and Ph.D. thesis opportunities in Chronobiology – Emery Laboratory – UMass Chan Medical School

The Emery lab studies biological rhythms in Invertebrates and is looking for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.  Our primary focus is to uncover the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms and sleep in Drosophila. We use a combination of molecular, genetic and imaging methods to understand how circadian oscillations are generated and synchronized with environmental cycles, how the circadian neural network functions, and how these neural and molecular mechanisms produce rhythmic behaviors.  We are also interested in the mechanisms underlying sleep, particularly the role of glia.  In addition, we are developingParhyale hawaiensis as a novel genetically-tractable model organism to study how marine animals anticipate tides.  Indeed, the mechanism of the circatidal clocks are currently unknown.

Our lab, with its multiple complementary interests in Chronobiology, is located at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in Worcester, Central Massachusetts, and is part of the Neurobiology department.  Our department is an outstanding scientific environment for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students interested in Chronobiology and Neuroscience.  It is highly interactive and collaborative, and is a unique hub for Invertebrate Neuroscience research. 

For more information, please contact Patrick Emery at