Mohan Somasundaran, Ph.D.
Position: Director, Experimental Virology Core
Email: Mohan.Somasundaran@umassmed.edu
Phone: 508-856-4151
Paul Clapham, Ph.D.
Position: Co-Core Director
Email: Paul.Clapham@umassmed.edu
Phone: 508-856-6281
Research Associates, Experimental Virology Core
Richard Hudson
Email: Richard.Hudson@umassmed.edu
Phone: 508-856-2732
James Coderre
Email: James.Coderre@umassmed.edu
Phone: 508-856-2760
Ann Dauphin
Email: Ann.Dauphin@umassmed.edu
Phone: 508-856-4585
The Experimental Virology Core Labs are located in the 2 Biotech Building, 373 Plantation Street, Suites 322/322A and Suites 319/319B. The building is open during regular business hours. If you need access on holidays or weekends, please call or email us to verify that your ID badge will permit you to enter.