Methods Core
Methods Core Goals
- Provide implementation science, study design, data analysis and management, economics, machine learning, and person-centered design expertise and technical infrastructure
- Advance methods, including analytic and implementation methods, to study the implementation of suicide care technologies
- Create guidance on best practices in health system implementation of suicide care technologies, including operationalizing how they can facilitate Zero Suicide and identifying trans-setting and setting-specific implementation drivers
- Evaluate all CAPES research activities, plan future efforts.
Additional information about the Methods Core is available on NIH RePORTER.
Design, Data, and Analysis
Leads: Bruce Barton, Jung Ae Lee
- Support design and analysis of CAPES projects
- Track analytic and publication activity across projects
- Perform database development/management/QC
- Harmonize data collection across all projects
- Offer statistical expertise across all projects
- Develop/disseminate new stat/epi methods for suicide prevention
Implementation Science
Leads: Stephanie Lemon, Ekaterina Pivovarova
- Support integration & measurement of EPIS framework
- Help select implementation strategies adapted from ERIC
- Harmonize implementation outcome measures using Proctor taxonomy
- Support Stakeholder Panels and dissemination efforts using Implementation Science
- Contribute to development of new implementation measures
Machine Learning
Lead: Emmanuel Agu
- Work with ADAPT and LEMURS on Machine Learning (ML) system design & implementation
- Develop innovative ML learning approaches for suicide prevention
- Provide ML expertise for new study design
- Work with Ethics Unit re ethics in AI
Person-Centered Design
Leads: Ben Gerber, Bengisu Tulu
- Engage stakeholders to refine prototypes
- Develop innovative design approaches for suicide prevention
- Ensure user-centric, culturally and equity tailored interventions '
- Help development and support new studies involving person-centered designs
Economic Evaluation
Lead: Karen Clements
- Advise on economic evaluations for CAPES projects, funded and future
- Identify data capture needs for economic evaluations
- Perform economic valuations
- Participate in policy-relevant discussions
Evaluation (joint unit of the Administrative and Methods Cores)
Lead: Ekaterina Pivovarova
- Evaluate CAPES
- Comprehensive evaluation of all CAPES activities and public health impact
- Includes evaluation by Internal and External Advisory Boards.